Command line options

Speedyfit can run in three different modes:

  • setup: create a setup file for an SED fit.
  • phot: dowload photometry for an object.
  • fit: fit a photometric SED based on a setup file.
  • checkgrids: check which model atmosphere grids are installed.

Each mode has its own options, which are described below.

speedyfit setup

The ‘setup’ mode allows you to create a default setup file for the object that you want to fit. This setup file will contain the detailed setup for the SED fit including the parameters to fit, their limits, where to find the photometry, what model grids to use, the settings for the mcmc sampler and the output options. Speedyfit will create a default file based on a few arguments that you can then further edit to your liking. More details on the different possible options available in the setup file are given in The setup file.

speedyfit setup <object_name> [options]


The name of the object of which you want to fit the SED. This name needs to be resolvable by simbad, or it needs to be the coordinates in J<nnnnnn.n+-nnnnnn.n> format. As an example, consider the star Vega.

The following names for Vega (ra = 18:36:56.33635, dec = +38:47:01.2802) will be recognized:

-grid <model_grid>

The name of the model grid that you want to use in the SED fit. This name is used to fill in the ‘grid’ parameter, and the ‘limits’ parameter. By default the limits are set roughly at the limits of the grid. As some grids are not rectangular, this is not always possible.

If the option -grid binary is used, a binary setup file will be created with as default a hot component fitted with the TMAP grid, and a cold component fitted with the Kurucz grid.


If provided, speedyfit will also download photometry from Vizier and Tap archives. If you don’t specify this option, you can download the photometry in a separate step with ‘speedyfit phot’.


If provided, speedyfit setup will NOT include the Gaia DR 2 parallax as a constraint in the fitting process. By default the parallax is always included.

speedyfit phot

The ‘photometry’ or ‘phot’ mode allows you do download photometry from several vizier and tap catalogs for the objects you are interested in. The default catalogs that Speedyfit will query can be found in Photometry catalogs. More information on the formatting of the photometry file can be found in The photometry file. This command only needs an object name to work.

speedyfit phot <object_name> [options]


The name of the object of which you want to download photometry. This name needs to be resolvable by simbad, or it needs to be the coordinates in J<nnnnnn.n+-nnnnnn.n> format. As an example, consider the star Vega.

The following names for Vega (ra = 18:36:56.33635, dec = +38:47:01.2802) will be recognized:

-o <output_file>, -output <output_file>

You can specify the name of the file in which speedyfit will store the downloaded photometry. If no name is given, the default name is: <object_name>.phot

speedyfit fit

Finally, the ‘fit’ mode will use all information provided in the setup file together with the downloaded photometry to fit the SED and store and display the results. This command requires a setup yaml file, and requires you to have collected photometry of your target object and describe where it can be found in the setup file.

speedyfit fit <setup_file> [options]


The name of the setup yaml file in which all parameters necessary for the SED fit process are specified. A default setup file can be created with the ‘speedyfit setup’ command.


When provided, speedyfit fit will NOT display any of the plots, and will only save them to file. By default all plots requested in the setup file are shown when the fit is finished.

speedyfit checkgrids

The ‘checkgrids’ mode will check and print which model atmosphere grids are installed and can be used by speedyfit.

speedyfit checkgrids [options]


When provided, speedyfit will also list the photometric bands included in the integrated grids.

speedyfit copy_catalogs

The ‘copy_catalogs’ command will make a copy of the photometry catalog files in the SPEEDYFIT_MODELS directory so you can edit them.

speedyfit copy_catalogs

This command has no options. See Adding Photometry catalogs for more info.